Wednesday 19 July 2017

New Aluminum Metal Plant could be Ohio Valley’s key to Success

In 2018, Braidy Industries will begin to build its new aluminum plant not too far from Ashland, Kentucky, supplying the area with over 500 new jobs and pumping out a whopping 370,000 tons of aluminum sheet and aluminum wire annually by 2020. Most of the aluminum produced will be used for the construction of vehicles and spacecrafts. South Shore, the selected city, is sure to gain much from these plans.

The improvements made to how steel and aluminum are created are mainly thanks to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the team of which has created a method of producing aluminum metal that creates a slightly more lightweight and significantly stronger product than the industry’s current high-strength steel. This new method could soon be implemented in certain factories and leave the rest eternally stagnant. Advancements in the aluminum are comparable to those of the internet in the 1990s.

In terms of clean power to run aluminum and steel plants, Appalachia is a great choice mostly due to its effective electrical power conduction. Not only that, but the potential employees in the area are eager to get back to work. Many of the families those people come from have been employed by either the coal industry or the steel industry in past decades and are hoping for a job comeback in the field.

Unfortunately, the steel and coal industries have been suffering lately, and because they are so closely connected, there’s little that can be done to revive them both. Instead, politicians residing near the Ohio River are seeing the effects and searching for a solution to the job loss problem that resulted from the coal industry’s scrutiny during President Obama’s time in office.

Most American citizens aren’t too keen on seeing expansions occur within the coal and steel industries, but Appalachia is a notable exception. Residents welcome the possibility with open arms, hoping for a series of new jobs and a financial regrowth of the area. In addition to eager potential workers, Appalachia features railway lines, interstate highway proximity, and inexpensive clean energy production.

Two areas that have taken advantage of job loss situations in recent decades and transformed them into booming industry locations are the Raleigh-Dunham region of North Carolina and the now famous Silicon Valley. The former was able to bring together its many university professionals to form The Research Triangle, while the latter experimented with silicon computer chips and came out very successful in its endeavour. Both areas focused on their strengths and turned them into opportunities for their residents and their business partners.

It may seem farfetched, but the Ohio Valley could very well obtain the success in the aluminum industry that the Silicon Valley obtained in the computer industry. Of course, it will take great amounts of time, effort, and dedication, all of which the residents of the area have and will maintain if it means they’ll have access to new jobs. It’s been done many times before and can be done again - they’ll just have to keep moving forward.


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