Is aluminum metal the lightest metal?
Not at all, When it comes to light metals, aluminum isn't even close. Aluminum is denser than water, at 2.7 grams per cubic centimetre.
The more lightweight metals like potassium, sodium and lithium are all lighter than water, but lithium takes the cake being the least dense at 0 53 g/cc
The alkali metals and almost all the alkaline Earth are lighter than aluminum, except for barium. But if you're wondering about structural metals, magnesium is the only one that's truly lighter than aluminum.
No other alkali or alkaline earth metals except magnesium can be used for structural applications.
They are too soft and reactive, making them useless for such applications. Additionally, they have low melting points. Beryllium would make for a wonderful structural metal if it were more plentiful and less toxic.
Instead, it is extremely light, has excellent physical qualities, and has a somewhat surprising melting point.
On the other hand, Beryllium does not occur in significant quantities in the crust of the Earth.
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